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Q: How does a bee clean up spilled pollen?
A: With a Bloom and Dustpan.

Q: When does a Rocket get Hungry?
A: At Launch Time.

Q: How did the Banana eat her Ice cream?
A: Lickety Split.

Q: How did the knife Flatter the roll?
A: He buttered him up.

Q: Why did the Captain dock his ship next to a barber shop?
A: He needed a Crew cut.

Q: Why is a rock always in shock?
A: It is Petrified.

Q: what starts out battered and ends up flattened?
A: a pancake.

Q: Why do they put fences around graveyards?
A: Because people are just dying to get in.

Q: Do you know how many dead people are in a local cemetery?
A: all of them .

1st Hobo: I just swallowed a big worm
2nd hobo
Hadn't you best take something for it?
1st HOBO: Naw, I just let him starve....

1st Cannibal: Am i late for dinner?
2nd cannibal: YES, Everybody's eaten.

Little boy to a neighbor: If you give us a Quarter my lil' brother will at like a chicken...
Neighbor: Ah, he'll cackle for me will he.
Lil boy: Naw, nothing that silly, He'll just eat worms

Q: What has four wheels and flies?
A: A trash truck.

Q: What worse than finding a worm in an apple you're eating?
A: Finding only 1/2 of the worm.

Q: What do you call a cannibal that eats his Mother's sister?
A: An AUNT eater.

Q: What state is round at the ends and High in the middle?
A: O-HI-O.

Q: Why are rivers rich?
A: The have 2 banks.

Q: What kind of coat has no buttons and is always put on wet?
A: a coat of paint.

Q: What did one eye say to the other?
A: Just between you and me, There's something that smells.

Q: What would happen if you threw a white rock into the Red Sea?
A: it would get wet.

Q: If king midus sits upon Gold what does the Lone Ranger sit upon?
A: (HI-HO) Silver.

Q: What has an eye yet can not see?
A: A needle.

Q: What 2 letters of the alphabet contains nothing?
A: M.T..

Q: What name is spelled out on the calendar when you place the first letters side by side?
A: JASON {July, August, September, October, November}.

Q: What are the 3 female names of the calendar side by side?
A: April, May, June.

Q: What do you call a dirty boy who crosses the street twice?
A: a dirty double crosser.

Q: What is the longest word in the world?
A: Smiles, There's a mile in between.

Q: What did one candle say to the other?
A: Ya going out tonight?.

Q: What did the tablecloth say to the table?
A: Stick 'em up, I have you covered.

Q: How many peas are in a pint?
A: one.

Q: What has no mouth, no teeth, But does have eyes and lives in the ground?
A: a Potato.

Q: Why do Cowboys wanna die with their boots on?
A: They don't wanna stub their toe when they kick the bucket.

Q: What's the biggest Diamond in the world?
A: a Baseball Diamond.

Q: What did the big hand on the watch say to the little hand?
A: I'll be back around in a hour.

Q: What is found in the center of AMERICA AND AUSTRALIA?
A: the letter "R" .

Q: What did the rose say to the forming rose?
A: Hi bud.

Q: What has more lives than a cat?
A: a frog it croaks every night.

Q: What did the adding machine say to the clerk?
A: you can count on me.

Q: Why is your nose like a river?
A: they both run .

Q: Why is your nose like a sink?
A: they both get stopped up.

Q: What is as round as The moon. black & has a hole in the middle?
A: a record.

Q: What scuffles around all day and sits under the bed at night with its tongue hanging out?
A: a shoe.

Q: What word starts with the letter "E: yet only contains on average 1 letter in it?
A: Envelope.

Q: hat did the picture frame say to the wall?
A: First they frame me, Then they hanged me .

Q: What did the big firecracker say to the little firecracker?
A: My pops bigger than yours.

Q:How do you spell a fish using only 3 letters ?
A: C-O-D.

Q: What fruit is most mentioned in history?
A: Dates.

Q: If you spill ink on a letter and mail it what would you have?
A: Blackmail.

Q: What can pass before the sun without making a shadow?
A: The Wind.

Q: What goes 99-thump, 99-thump?

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